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Comedian Rosie Jones Joins Influencers And Disability Charities To Sign Open Letter Calling For More Consideration On Public Transport

As we emerge from lockdown to some semblance of normality, comedian Rosie Jones has joined forces with a coalition of influencers, disability charities, transport operators and the Department for Transport (DfT) to call on passengers to rethink old travel habits and help create a more inclusive transport environment for everyone.

This week, an open letter has been published to that effect.

The letter, signed by a range of influencers, is supported by charities including Scope, Leonard Cheshire and the Royal National Institute of Blind People, and is backed by many of the country’s biggest transport providers.

It asks the public to show consideration to fellow passengers and to be more mindful of the needs of others, highlighting ways in which we can all nurture a culture of support.

It’s everyone’s journey’

The ‘it’s everyone’s journey’ campaign follows the DfT’s latest campaign research, revealing that, after Covid concerns, one of the greatest barriers to public transport among disabled transport passengers is currently other people.  

One in four disabled users of public transport say that other passengers make them anxious or nervous. According to research, the majority of public transport users recently surveyed (75%) feel that passengers hold at least some of the responsibility for helping to improve journeys for disabled people.  

Despite a marked change in passenger attitudes, this still leaves 1 in 4public transport users feeling that other passengers are not considerate of those around them. 

Small Changes, Big Impact

‘it’s everyone’s journey’ calls for small changes that can make a #WorldOfDifference. These actions include –

Recognising and understanding that not everyone can wear a face covering, due to medical exemptions.

Making space. Some people will rely on others to social distance on their behalf.

Being patient and prepared to help each other, but always asking first.

Keeping priority seats and designated wheelchair spaces clear for those that need them

Remembering that not all disability is visible.

And above all, showing consideration for each other.

The signatories of the open letter have also drawn on their own experiences, with further suggestions as to how we can all be mindful of the needs of others while travelling sharing ‘One Request’ that would make a #WorldOfDifference to their journeys across social media this week as part of the campaign launch.

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